Thursday, March 8, 2012

International Women's Day

Four Generations

Can we say blessed?

Great Gramma Maria

My mom.  A woman who has worked hard all of her life but, never ever gave up being feminine.  Red nail polish, red lipstick and her hair done on a weekly basis.  In this modern world that's a given but, 50 years ago, living on farm in the middle of nowhere, it was a challenge.  She did it.  

I have often wondered what she would have chosen for a career if she had the opportunity.  She was a sought after softball shortstop.  She led many a team to trophy's in the curling community.  She was a left-handed pool shark :)  and she worked along side her husband to bring in the crop while caring for three little girls.
The oldest of those three little girls was me....


I grew up with a charmed childhood.  I moved away and married at age 18 and made my career in the secretarial world.  When my three children were born I was fortunate enough to add being a 'full time mom' to my resume.  My life has had it's good times and it's bad times but, the strength I harbor comes from that of my mom.  It is that strength that I hope I have passed along to my daughter.

A very special woman. 
My daughter chose teaching as a career and is one of the most capable, talented, compassionate and strong women I know.  She had opportunities I never had and she made wise choices.  Her life has been molded and formed in good ways and bad ways just like mine and her gramma's.  It has afforded her the ability to reach deep and become stronger.  The true gage of that strength came when she gave birth to my granddaughter...

Storey Maria

Storey Maria is the joy in our lives.  She is inquisitive, observant and innocent,  happy and content and growing every day.  Her life will be filled with choices that her great gramma, her gramma and her mommy may never have had...but she will be strong and she will make the right choices because she is 
the fourth generation of females in this family and we are survivors.

Our strength and our love will keep our family's close 
and in the end that's all that matters.


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